Who’s on the Lord’s Side

In Exodus 32:26 Moses asks, “Who is on the Lord’s side?” As I watch the discussions on social media, there are many who are drawing sides; however, most of these sides have to do with political parties.

“Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the Lord’s side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.”

Moses went to the mountain and received the Old Testament Law – the Ten Commandments. When he returned, he found the people of Israel in in chaos. The were worshiping a god of gold. They had descended into chaos committing all kinds of sin.

It is ironic that in today’s America, there is chaos with many people focused not on the Lord’s side, but on their political party. Too often it is being said that the Republican party is the party of Christians. It has been said by many that they voted for Trump because Trump is a Christian.

Such statements are misguided. They are focused on being on a political party’s side rather than on the Lord’s side. The reality is, there are Christians in both political parties. It is not the party that defines Christianity. It is a belief in Christ that defines it. It is being on the Lord’s side.

When a person is focused on their political party more so than on the Lord, then they are risking being blinded and misdirected. They are likely to miss the actions of people and of leaders. They are likely to miss which leaders are attending church regularly and which are not. Consider Titus 1;16:

“They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work.”

It is actions, not words that are important. A person who says they are a Christian, but then has actions that violate God’s laws, then it is the actions that are defining.

This is not to say that political parties are bad. Rather it is to say that political parties are secondary to the Lord’s party. It is to say that there are Christians in both the Democratic and Republican parties. It is to say that Christians need to focus on Christ and His teachings and judge people by their actions.

What is clear in today’s society is that those that are focused on a political party are picking the wrong side. The side that we need to be focused on is the Lord’s side. The Lord’s side transcends political parties.